Ghiradelli Square Squirt Gun
John Law recalls: “Roseanne was dressed as a “cigarette girl” with a chest slung tray from which she dispensed squirt guns to about 20 or so people. She looked pretty cute.”
John Law recalls: “Roseanne was dressed as a “cigarette girl” with a chest slung tray from which she dispensed squirt guns to about 20 or so people. She looked pretty cute.”
This was a repeating event by Peter Field, and featured a collection of mini-events. Here is the announcement for PQ-II in Jan 78
Photographer Greg Mancuso captured the Suicide Club in a massive food fight that took place in a house rented by Pierre Barral in the Glen Park District of S.F. The house was to be torn down later that week; the opportunity to completely trash a house, Three Stooges style, was simply too great for the […]
The Kennedy Hotel was an abandoned hotel in downtown SF ( ed. note: I helped make that ladder! – Bob ) Photo: John testing the ladder at Dave Warren’s apartment building.
John Law recalls: The first event I organized. Dave remembered some storm tunnels he had explored as a kid. Dave, Gary and I scoped these tunnels one afternoon. We entered upstream at Mills College (all girl) in one of the tunnel inflows that Dave remembered from 35 years before. We went downstream trying to […]
John Law recalls: “I think the same day as naked cable car we did the Union Square Stunt. We parked on the bottom level of the parking lot (4th level?) in 2 or 3 funky vehicles (Dave’s beanbag seat Ford Galaxy 500, a hippy type van-Bob C’s?) There are 3 elevators. The scenes I recall […]
Scariest thing I ever did. Many of us spent the night at Nancy Prussia’s apt. (I was dating her at the time-2 mos+/-) We got on the very 1st (6AM?) car at the Cable Car Barn. 6-8 blocks later we stripped of all clothing and the grip and brakemen on the cable car just stopped […]
John Law recalls: “A screening of the movie starring Chuck McCann. Strange flick- one of Gary’s favorite. Ron Unger and I dressed up like McCann (white T-shirts w/smokes in sleeve, black pegged pants, greased hair. We picketed the showing at Circus of the Soul (signs, chanting, etc.) and turned away patrons saying the movie misrepresented […]
John Law recalls: “Roseanne Reynolds (Queens handmaiden at Ren-Faire) had brought a big birthday cake which read: “Happy Birthday Queen Elizabeth!” We rowed and I proceeded to climb up the outside of the the ship. We were spotted almost immediately by an ancient security guard. He called the cops. They came (several cars as I […]
March 11, 1977 Baby Beautiful Contest Here is the announcement in the first SC nooseletter in Feb 1977 John Law recalls: Entered shill baby: Sweet Pea Sheffield: Ron & Shirley as folks, borrowed a real baby from someone. Dave W. Covered in pink Calamine lotion, paper mache head, big lolli-pop. Gary kept laughing so hard […]
John Law recalls: “We had refrigerator boxes which we cut up and used as sleds to go down the letters.” “This event was the capper of an incredibly arduous and mind bending, adventure weekend. Big fun. This night Gary & Ron showed North by North-West at Circus of the Soul. I experienced an extreme example […]
Rick Lasky recalls: “I was jogging in the Richmond District near where I lived when I had a flash of inspiration. Wouldn’t it be cool to organize a treasure hunt around the city? I knew just who to take this idea to: Gary Warne. So I went to Gary’s bookstore “Circus of the Soul” and […]
The Golden Gate Bridge Dinner was created by Catherine Baker and became one of signature events that was repeated each year, the other being the Treasure Hunt Announcement in the very first nooseletter in Feb 1977 Here is the announcement a year later for the 2nd annual dinner:
In Feb 1977, an event appeared in the first Nooseletter: Later, this led to an multi-day actual infiltration of a Moonie encampment. ‘Moonies’ were followers of Sun Myung Moon and his Unification Church, which was a well known religious cult of the 1970’s.
Feb 2, 1977 (John Law remembers: Following is a fragment of a story I started about my impressions of this event.) Certain hands, seemingly familiar with the task at hand, were the hands I felt gently guiding me out of the van that I had occupied for the last hour along with six […]